Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Week 9 - Speed-Geeking

This week in class I had the students participate in "speed-geeking."  They spent about 8 minutes on 16 different tools:

  1. Acer Chromebook
  2. Samsung Chromebook
  3. Lenovo Chromebook
  4. Nexus 7
  5. Kindle Fire
  6. iPad
  7. Surface tablet
  8. Write About This (Pink iPad)
  9. iMovie (CTLT iPad)
  10. Educreations (CTLT iPad)
  11. Popplet Lite (CTLT iPad)
  12. Lucid Chart (Online, Google Tool)
  13. WeVideo (Online, Google Tool)
  14. Powtoon (Online, Google Tool)
  15. Padlet (Online)
  16. Educreations (Online)

I asked them to ask three questions about each of the tools - what it did? What are the benefits/drawbacks of each tool? and What grade levels would they be most appropriate for?

I brought a combination of my devices, devices from work, and CTLT devices make this day happen. I purposely wanted students to evaluate devices this time and chose non-laptop devices that schools are choosing as they move 1:1.

Based on the reflections that have already been submitted, I think that they enjoyed today. It finally let them just look at tools. It was also a good lead in to their technology review projects and spring break!

This week, I didn't spend any time discussing the pros and cons whole class once they had all reviewed the tools, I think that would add a good discussion next time.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Week 8 - The Digital Classroom

This week, I had students complete a project on the digital classroom.  When I started working on planning this class, I emailed Toy Waterman about the topics that she covered and this was one of her activities.  The week was online, again, and students were asked to chose one of five scenarios (flipped classroom, blended learning, curriculum remixing, preparing the classroom for digital learners and equipment for the classroom) and do some research about the topic they picked.  They were then asked to create a presentation that answered particular questions about the topic.

To be honest, I used the materials that Toy used previously.  In the future, I will keep this topic but, change some of the options and requirements to incorporate more information about 1:1 settings at different grade levels, BYOD programs and possibly STEM settings.  I think the foundational work that was provided was good but that students would benefit from a change in topics!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Week 7 - Being a Connected Educator, Part 2

This week, I decided to stick with the connected educator theme and have students do some more work on building their PLN.  They were asked to participate in a twitter chat (which caused some technical frustrations for some), follow new people on twitter, read some professional blogs and subscribe to them.  Basically, I wanted them to continue to connect with people online and to watch how educators represent themselves online.  I had to have a few little conversations with students about twitter usernames they chose or the picture they used but, all in all it seemed to be a good week.

Students noticed that I switched topics based on their feedback and made a point to tell me that they appreciated it.  I think spending some additional time submersing themselves in online learning will help them to be better teachers and connected educators in the future!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Week 6 - Social Media

This week, I had to move class online because Audra was sick.  Such is the life of a working mom!  I'm thankful that my students were ok with me moving class online!  Also, I had a guest speaker planned for class but, we were able to rearrange that to last night (Sunday).

I met Toby through at EdCampOmaha last March.  He is a PhD student at OSU.  I thought that he would be the perfect person to help talk to my students about using social media NOW and in the future.  Toby talked about the benefits of being a connected educator and students were able to ask him questions during the hangout.  The students have had such great questions that instead of focusing on digital citizenship next week, I am going to change course a little bit and talk more about the power of social networking for educators.  I think it will better meet their needs right now but, I need to figure out a way to work more digital citizenship into the week as well.  Perhaps more responsible use for teachers and how to represent yourself online would be appropriate.

Teaching this class is a challennge but I am thoroughly enjoying it!